Become a Member
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Hot Springs Area Chamber of Commerce
PO Box 342
Hot Springs, SD 57747
(605) 745-4140
Thank you for your interest in the Hot Springs Chamber of Commerce! We have over 230 dedicated businesses and individuals working to improve the business climate in Hot Springs by:
Producing events that bring people to Hot Springs and encourage them to do their business here, such as; Fall River Hot Air Balloon Festival, Spring Fling Home & Garden Show, Wine Walk & Putt Challenge, 4th of July Events and more. We also promote other events such as Main Street Arts & Crafts Festival, Hot Springs Farmers Markets, and Christmas in the Hills, to name a few.
Promotion and press coverage for new businesses or businesses that have changed locations and/or management; such as monthly ambassador visits, ribbon cutting, and events.
Providing opportunities for business to business interaction, such as the Annual Chamber Meeting and Awards Banquet and various Chamber Mixers throughout the year.
Encouraging people to shop locally, by selling more than $20,000 Chamber Bucks a year. Chamber bucks may only be spent at local businesses so the money comes directly back to local merchants.
Providing a website ( with vital community and business information for locals and visitors alike. Each member business has their own listing, with the opportunity to place paid banner ads.
Expanding our social media activity, outreach and promotion of the community through Facebook, Youtube, Instagram and more. Investing in Marketing to attract visitors to Hot Springs and enticing them to stay longer, through regional and cooperative marketing efforts. We advertise in local, state and national publications such as, South Dakota Vacation Guide, Black Hills & Badlands Tourism publications, Southern Hills Vacation Guide, Hot Springs Welcome Magazine, Traveler Magazine, Yellowstone Journal, as well as producing and distributing Hot Springs brochures, City maps, and other local publications.
Special marketing events, such as hosting dinners for tour operators, South Dakota state visitor center staff, and national and international media, all of whom will encourage travelers to come to the Hot Springs area.
Downtown promotion designed to get people to visit and stay longer in our historic downtown area.

As a member you have the support of a large network of members dedicated to improving the strength and quality of the community. We send out a monthly newsletter, informing you of new businesses in town, updates on community and state news, opportunities for community involvement and educational resources available to you.
We offer our members the opportunity to include their flyer in our monthly newsletter. You will also receive a weekly email newsletter called the Springtides which notifies you of events in and around our community. You are also invited to submit your event or advertisement for inclusion in our Springtides, as members may advertise for free.
Your business will also be listed in the Southern Hills Vacation Guide, Hot Springs Welcome Magazine, the Hot Springs City Map, and on the Hot Springs website. We also offer opportunities for paid banner ads for members on the Chamber website. Your business is also included in our Relocation Guide which we send out to people looking to move to Hot Springs. We also have a very active Facebook page where we can help promote your business. We receive numerous calls every day requesting information or recommendations for accommodation, recreation, organizations and services as well as vacation guides and as a Chamber member, we promote your business at every opportunity, in response to those requests. Our members also have access to our mailing lists, as well as the use of our bulk mailing permit.
You are also invited to serve on any of our committees: Tourism, Retail & Business Promotions, Ambassadors, or the Ag Committee. Committees are voluntary and if you decided you would like to join a committee, you would be notified by email of the meeting times. All meetings take place at the Mueller Civic Center unless otherwise specified.