Hot Springs Chamber’s Historic Union Depot Information Center
The Chamber's Historic Union Depot is your home for visitor information throughout the summer season. An original railroad depot built in 1891, in 1938 the depot was closed and the Chamber located in the building. This may be one of the first adaptive uses of the railroad station in the country. When Hot Springs was in its hey day, four trains a day were greeted by a band as red carpet was rolled out of the Evans Hotel to welcome visitors. Made of locally quarried sandstone, it is located at 630 N. River St., and is now where you'll find all the information you need on the Hot Springs area or the Black Hills by stopping in! Free Wi-fi for visitors, and pulic restrooms available.
Information on Attractions, Lodging, and Dining in Hot Springs and the Black Hills area
Public Restrooms
Free Wi-fi

Contact Us
630 N. River St., Hot Springs, SD 57747
(605) 745-6974